Self Development (Ongeza Akili)
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Thursday, August 30, 2012
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Friday, June 8, 2012
Friday, June 1, 2012
Eventually, she went home, her memory a complete blank. Determined
to understand what had happened to her, she began reading
medical textbooks and studying in the specialized area of amnesia
and memory loss. She met and spoke with specialists in this field.
Eventually she wrote a paper on her condition. Not long afterward,
she was invited to address a medical convention to deliver her paper,
answer questions about her amnesia, and share her experiences
and ideas on neurological functioning.
to understand what had happened to her, she began reading
medical textbooks and studying in the specialized area of amnesia
and memory loss. She met and spoke with specialists in this field.
Eventually she wrote a paper on her condition. Not long afterward,
she was invited to address a medical convention to deliver her paper,
answer questions about her amnesia, and share her experiences
and ideas on neurological functioning.
During this period, something amazing happened. She became a
new person completely. All the attention in the hospital and afterward
made her feel valuable, important, and truly loved by her family.
The attention and acclaim she received from members of the medical
profession built her self-esteem and self-respect even higher.
She became a genuinely positive, confident, outgoing woman,
highly articulate, well informed, and very much in demand as a
speaker and authority in the medical profession.
All memory of her negative childhood had been wiped out. Her
feelings of inferiority were wiped out as well. She became a new
person. She changed her thinking and changed her life.
Change Your Thinking
Once upon a time there was a woman, about 30 years old, married
with two children. Like many people, she had grown up in a home
where she was constantly criticized and often treated unfairly by her
parents. As a result, she developed deep feelings of inferiority and
low self-esteem. She was negative and fearful, and had no confidence
at all. She was shy and self-effacing, and did not consider
herself to be particularly valuable or worthwhile. She felt that she
was not really talented at anything.
One day, as she was driving to the store, another car went
through a red light and smashed into her.When she awoke, she was
in the hospital with a mild concussion and complete memory loss.
She could still speak, but she had no recollection of any part of her
past life. She was a total amnesiac.
At first, the doctors thought it would be temporary. But weeks
passed and no trace of her memory returned. Her husband and
children visited her daily, but she did not know them. This was
such an unusual case that other doctors and specialists came
to visit her as well, to test her and ask her questions about her
Eventually, she went home, her memory a complete blank. Determined
to understand what had happened to her, she began reading
medical textbooks and studying in the specialized area of amnesia
and memory loss. She met and spoke with specialists in this field.
Eventually she wrote a paper on her condition. Not long afterward,
she was invited to address a medical convention to deliver her paper,
answer questions about her amnesia, and share her experiences
and ideas on neurological functioning.
During this period, something amazing happened. She became a
new person completely. All the attention in the hospital and afterward
made her feel valuable, important, and truly loved by her family.
The attention and acclaim she received from members of the medical
profession built her self-esteem and self-respect even higher.
She became a genuinely positive, confident, outgoing woman,
highly articulate, well informed, and very much in demand as a
speaker and authority in the medical profession.
All memory of her negative childhood had been wiped out. Her
feelings of inferiority were wiped out as well. She became a new
person. She changed her thinking and changed her life.
with two children. Like many people, she had grown up in a home
where she was constantly criticized and often treated unfairly by her
parents. As a result, she developed deep feelings of inferiority and
low self-esteem. She was negative and fearful, and had no confidence
at all. She was shy and self-effacing, and did not consider
herself to be particularly valuable or worthwhile. She felt that she
was not really talented at anything.
One day, as she was driving to the store, another car went
through a red light and smashed into her.When she awoke, she was
in the hospital with a mild concussion and complete memory loss.
She could still speak, but she had no recollection of any part of her
past life. She was a total amnesiac.
At first, the doctors thought it would be temporary. But weeks
passed and no trace of her memory returned. Her husband and
children visited her daily, but she did not know them. This was
such an unusual case that other doctors and specialists came
to visit her as well, to test her and ask her questions about her
Eventually, she went home, her memory a complete blank. Determined
to understand what had happened to her, she began reading
medical textbooks and studying in the specialized area of amnesia
and memory loss. She met and spoke with specialists in this field.
Eventually she wrote a paper on her condition. Not long afterward,
she was invited to address a medical convention to deliver her paper,
answer questions about her amnesia, and share her experiences
and ideas on neurological functioning.
During this period, something amazing happened. She became a
new person completely. All the attention in the hospital and afterward
made her feel valuable, important, and truly loved by her family.
The attention and acclaim she received from members of the medical
profession built her self-esteem and self-respect even higher.
She became a genuinely positive, confident, outgoing woman,
highly articulate, well informed, and very much in demand as a
speaker and authority in the medical profession.
All memory of her negative childhood had been wiped out. Her
feelings of inferiority were wiped out as well. She became a new
person. She changed her thinking and changed her life.
Mtaji ni kitu gani na unapatikana vipi?
Watu wengi wamekuwa wakiniuliza maswali haya ninapoendesha mafunzo ya ujasiriamali, Jee mtaji ni nini? Je, mtaji ndio kianzo pekee cha biashara? Je ni mitaji ya aina ngapi mtu anahitaji kuweza kufanikisha biashara? Jee ni pesa peke yake? Majibu ni kwamba; Watu wengi wana mitaji lakini pengine hawajui kama wanayo. Mtaji sio pesa pekee. Mtaji unaweza kuwa akili yako au kiwango fulani cha pesa cha kukuza au kujenga biashara yako. Pia mali zinaweza kuwa mtaji wako na kuifanya biashara yako ikue. Hata hivyo huhitaji pesa taslimu pekeyake kuifanya biashara yako ikue. Unaweza kutumia mali zako kama nyumba yenye hati kuweka dhamana ya mkopo benki kupata pesa za kuendesha na kukuza biashara yako.
Ili Kuanzisha biashara yeyote lazima mtaji unahitajika unaweza kuwa, fedha au akili yako na mbinu zako. Wakati mwingine akili yako au ubunifu wako unaweza kuwa ndiyo mtaji pekee hasa katika kazi zinazohitaji utaalamu fulani. Kama nilivyo eleza hapo juu mtaji sio lazima uwe pesa taslimu, ila mali ulionayo au akiliyako pia nayo ni mtaji wako. Mambo haya yanategemeana na unataka kufanya biashara ya aina gani. Kuna aina za mitaji zifuatazo katika biashara;-
a) Mtaji unaotokana na rasilimali watu: Huu ni ujuzi au kipaji cha mtu mwenyewe. Mtaji huu huwa unaandaliwa na mhusika mwenyewe kwa kusoma kufanya mazoezi na kupata ujuzi ambao utamuwezesha kukubalika katika jamii na kumuingizia kipato na kumpatia utajiri yeye mwenyewe au Kampuni yake. Aina hii ya mtaji inatofautishwa na nguvu kazi inayotumika kwenye ajira ambayo ni uwezo wa kufanya kazi. Mtaji huu hujulikana pia kama kipaji.
b) Mtaji wa pesa: Hizi ni pesa zinazotumika kuijenga au kupanua biashara ili iijiendeshe.
c) Mtaji unaotokana na ubunifu: Mtaji kama huu unatumiwa sana na wasanii pamoja na wajasiriamali wengine. Wimbo ukitoka na ukapata soko kubwa. nani mwenye wimbo hapa. Je ni mtunzi? mwimbaji? au mzalishaji? Hapa mwenye wimbo ni mtunzi, mwisho wa siku anaepata pesa zaidi ni mtunzi au sio jamani? Hivyo mtaji unaotokana na ubunifu unaweza kuwa ni unatokana na hakimiliki ya kitu,wimbo, bidhaa au kitu kinachofanana na hicho. Mfano AZAM alipo anza kutengeneza unga wa ngano unga wake ulipata soko sana. Baadae akaibuka AZANIA, ambaye jina lake hilo kwa haraka unaweza ukadhania nikampuni moja. Hata wewe ukianzisha biashara yako ya unga unaweza kuupatia jina la AZAN utauza sana tu!
d) Mtaji wa bidhaa au mashine za kuzalishia bidhaa: Mtaji huu unatokana na kifaa kama mashine ya kutengeneza bidhaa fulani za kuuza. Mfano; kama wewe ni mwandishi, mashine unayotumia ni kompyuta, mashine ya kuchapishia, kalamu na karatasi. Mtaji huu ni tofauti na mtaji wa pesa. Thamani ya mtaji huu ni jinsi unavyowweza kukuzalishia mali au bidhaa
Jee mtaji unaweza kupatikana vipi?
Mtaji unaweza kupatikana kutoka kwenye vyanzo vifuatavyo:-
(a) Akiba au mshahara
(b) Msaada au mkopo kutoka kwa ndugu na jamaa.
(c) Kuingia ubia na mtu mwenye mtaji
(d) Mkopo toka baadhi ya asasi kama vyama vya akiba na mikopo (SACCOS), NGO za kifedha, isipokuwa Benki kwani hizi huwa hazitoi mikopo kwa mtu anayeanzisha biashara.
(ii) Kitu cha muhimu kabisa ni kuwa na wazo zuri la biashara na mpango wa biashara ulio mzuri pamoja na utayari wako wewe mhusika kuifanya hiyo biashara, masuala ya mtaji wa pesa hufuata badae. Jambo la kwanza kabisa unalolihitaji ni utashi wa kufanya mradi au bishara yako, pili ni imani kwa hilo unalotaka kulifanya, ukiweza kuunganisha utashi na na imani kua utaweza basi ujue unaelekea kwenye mafanikio. Kitu kingine muhimu ubunifu ambao unaugawa katika njia mbili kwa kuangalia wengine wanafanya nini na wewe ufanye kama wao. Pia unaweza kufanya utundu wa kubuni kitu kipya ambacho hakijawahi kufanywa na mtu mwingine yeyote. Ni muhimu kuwa na ujuzi maalumu, hapo ni kwamba nilazima uijue vizuri biashara unayotaka kuifanya uliza walioweza kufanya buiashara hiyo vizuri pia pata maelezo ya kutosha jinsi ya upatikanaji wa bidhaa,wateja,masoko pamoja na mambo ya kodi. Jambo jingine ni kuwa na mipango ambayo ni madhubuti, hapo sasa ndio unaandaa makadirio ya mapato na matumizi kama kianzio. Tengeneza bajeti yako kwa kuorodhesha vitu vinavyohitajika na gharama zake ili kuweza kuanzisha biashara yako. Vitu hivyo ni:-
(a) Gharama za Kujenga au kupanga ofisi
(b) Gharama za Leseni ya biashara
(c) Makadirio ya kodi toka TRA
(d) Garama ya vifaa vya ofisi yaani, Samani, makaratasi, mitambo, mashine, nk
(e) Manunuzi ya malighafi au bidhaa za kuanzia biashara
(f) Idadi ya wafanyakazi na gharama za mishahara yao.
(g) Gharama nyinginezo kama vile, umeme, maji, nk.
(iii) Unatakiwa kujua ni mtaji kiasi gani unahitajika kuanzisha biashara yako. Mtaji huo utaujua baada ya kujumlisha gharama zilizoorodheshwa katika kupengele (a) mpaka (g) hapo juu.Gharama hizi ni za mwaka ule wa kwanza wa kuanzia
pamoja na jinsi gani utapata pesa za kuwekeza ambazo unaweza kutoa kwenye akiba zako kutokana na mapato yako huko nyuma ,au ukaomba mkopo kutoka benki au kwa mtu yoyote atakae kuamini japo hapa kwetu ni vigumu kuomba mkopo uende kuanzisha biashara labda uende kukopa saccos. Baada ya hapo ndipo unafikia uamuzi wa lini utaanza mradi wako tena bila kupoteza muda.
Ili Kuanzisha biashara yeyote lazima mtaji unahitajika unaweza kuwa, fedha au akili yako na mbinu zako. Wakati mwingine akili yako au ubunifu wako unaweza kuwa ndiyo mtaji pekee hasa katika kazi zinazohitaji utaalamu fulani. Kama nilivyo eleza hapo juu mtaji sio lazima uwe pesa taslimu, ila mali ulionayo au akiliyako pia nayo ni mtaji wako. Mambo haya yanategemeana na unataka kufanya biashara ya aina gani. Kuna aina za mitaji zifuatazo katika biashara;-
a) Mtaji unaotokana na rasilimali watu: Huu ni ujuzi au kipaji cha mtu mwenyewe. Mtaji huu huwa unaandaliwa na mhusika mwenyewe kwa kusoma kufanya mazoezi na kupata ujuzi ambao utamuwezesha kukubalika katika jamii na kumuingizia kipato na kumpatia utajiri yeye mwenyewe au Kampuni yake. Aina hii ya mtaji inatofautishwa na nguvu kazi inayotumika kwenye ajira ambayo ni uwezo wa kufanya kazi. Mtaji huu hujulikana pia kama kipaji.
b) Mtaji wa pesa: Hizi ni pesa zinazotumika kuijenga au kupanua biashara ili iijiendeshe.
c) Mtaji unaotokana na ubunifu: Mtaji kama huu unatumiwa sana na wasanii pamoja na wajasiriamali wengine. Wimbo ukitoka na ukapata soko kubwa. nani mwenye wimbo hapa. Je ni mtunzi? mwimbaji? au mzalishaji? Hapa mwenye wimbo ni mtunzi, mwisho wa siku anaepata pesa zaidi ni mtunzi au sio jamani? Hivyo mtaji unaotokana na ubunifu unaweza kuwa ni unatokana na hakimiliki ya kitu,wimbo, bidhaa au kitu kinachofanana na hicho. Mfano AZAM alipo anza kutengeneza unga wa ngano unga wake ulipata soko sana. Baadae akaibuka AZANIA, ambaye jina lake hilo kwa haraka unaweza ukadhania nikampuni moja. Hata wewe ukianzisha biashara yako ya unga unaweza kuupatia jina la AZAN utauza sana tu!
d) Mtaji wa bidhaa au mashine za kuzalishia bidhaa: Mtaji huu unatokana na kifaa kama mashine ya kutengeneza bidhaa fulani za kuuza. Mfano; kama wewe ni mwandishi, mashine unayotumia ni kompyuta, mashine ya kuchapishia, kalamu na karatasi. Mtaji huu ni tofauti na mtaji wa pesa. Thamani ya mtaji huu ni jinsi unavyowweza kukuzalishia mali au bidhaa
Jee mtaji unaweza kupatikana vipi?
Mtaji unaweza kupatikana kutoka kwenye vyanzo vifuatavyo:-
(a) Akiba au mshahara
(b) Msaada au mkopo kutoka kwa ndugu na jamaa.
(c) Kuingia ubia na mtu mwenye mtaji
(d) Mkopo toka baadhi ya asasi kama vyama vya akiba na mikopo (SACCOS), NGO za kifedha, isipokuwa Benki kwani hizi huwa hazitoi mikopo kwa mtu anayeanzisha biashara.
(ii) Kitu cha muhimu kabisa ni kuwa na wazo zuri la biashara na mpango wa biashara ulio mzuri pamoja na utayari wako wewe mhusika kuifanya hiyo biashara, masuala ya mtaji wa pesa hufuata badae. Jambo la kwanza kabisa unalolihitaji ni utashi wa kufanya mradi au bishara yako, pili ni imani kwa hilo unalotaka kulifanya, ukiweza kuunganisha utashi na na imani kua utaweza basi ujue unaelekea kwenye mafanikio. Kitu kingine muhimu ubunifu ambao unaugawa katika njia mbili kwa kuangalia wengine wanafanya nini na wewe ufanye kama wao. Pia unaweza kufanya utundu wa kubuni kitu kipya ambacho hakijawahi kufanywa na mtu mwingine yeyote. Ni muhimu kuwa na ujuzi maalumu, hapo ni kwamba nilazima uijue vizuri biashara unayotaka kuifanya uliza walioweza kufanya buiashara hiyo vizuri pia pata maelezo ya kutosha jinsi ya upatikanaji wa bidhaa,wateja,masoko pamoja na mambo ya kodi. Jambo jingine ni kuwa na mipango ambayo ni madhubuti, hapo sasa ndio unaandaa makadirio ya mapato na matumizi kama kianzio. Tengeneza bajeti yako kwa kuorodhesha vitu vinavyohitajika na gharama zake ili kuweza kuanzisha biashara yako. Vitu hivyo ni:-
(a) Gharama za Kujenga au kupanga ofisi
(b) Gharama za Leseni ya biashara
(c) Makadirio ya kodi toka TRA
(d) Garama ya vifaa vya ofisi yaani, Samani, makaratasi, mitambo, mashine, nk
(e) Manunuzi ya malighafi au bidhaa za kuanzia biashara
(f) Idadi ya wafanyakazi na gharama za mishahara yao.
(g) Gharama nyinginezo kama vile, umeme, maji, nk.
(iii) Unatakiwa kujua ni mtaji kiasi gani unahitajika kuanzisha biashara yako. Mtaji huo utaujua baada ya kujumlisha gharama zilizoorodheshwa katika kupengele (a) mpaka (g) hapo juu.Gharama hizi ni za mwaka ule wa kwanza wa kuanzia
pamoja na jinsi gani utapata pesa za kuwekeza ambazo unaweza kutoa kwenye akiba zako kutokana na mapato yako huko nyuma ,au ukaomba mkopo kutoka benki au kwa mtu yoyote atakae kuamini japo hapa kwetu ni vigumu kuomba mkopo uende kuanzisha biashara labda uende kukopa saccos. Baada ya hapo ndipo unafikia uamuzi wa lini utaanza mradi wako tena bila kupoteza muda.
Monday, May 21, 2012
4 tips to plan for a ‘Budget Surplus‘
4 tips to plan for a ‘Budget Surplus‘ are noted in this book Increase your financial IQ - robert:
Budget tip #1 – Change your thinking and make spending for a budget surplus a priority by making it an expense to pay yourself first. The first expense each pay check should be to yourself for your financial freedom then start paying your other expenses. Don’t make it negotiable. If you want something extra then find a way to earn more.
Budget tip #2 – Know your cash flow and what you’re spending on or expenses are to get control of them. If your know your expenses your can see if your plan is working to create a ‘Budget Surplus‘ or ‘Budget Deficit‘. So work the plan in your favor to create the surplus.
Budget tip #3 – Assets should pay for liabilities, use your earned money to create assets (positive cash flow) these then pay for your expenses or liabilities. Make your money work for you by using it to expand your income potential then this money can pay for your new car or your flat screen TV.
Budget tip #4 – Know how and when to spend to become rich or when to cut back. Spending to increase your income or money growth is key, knowing that your knowledge and skills are important assets but also
learning to do more with less. Be smarter with your money to have more is not about cutting back but about challenging yourself to find a way to afford what you need.
Note:-Budgeting your money is a portion of what’s needed for a complete money management system. The important aspect to take away is make paying yourself first non-negotiable, the ability to control spending habits and to create assets to then pay for expenses.
Budget tip #1 – Change your thinking and make spending for a budget surplus a priority by making it an expense to pay yourself first. The first expense each pay check should be to yourself for your financial freedom then start paying your other expenses. Don’t make it negotiable. If you want something extra then find a way to earn more.
Budget tip #2 – Know your cash flow and what you’re spending on or expenses are to get control of them. If your know your expenses your can see if your plan is working to create a ‘Budget Surplus‘ or ‘Budget Deficit‘. So work the plan in your favor to create the surplus.
Budget tip #3 – Assets should pay for liabilities, use your earned money to create assets (positive cash flow) these then pay for your expenses or liabilities. Make your money work for you by using it to expand your income potential then this money can pay for your new car or your flat screen TV.
Budget tip #4 – Know how and when to spend to become rich or when to cut back. Spending to increase your income or money growth is key, knowing that your knowledge and skills are important assets but also
learning to do more with less. Be smarter with your money to have more is not about cutting back but about challenging yourself to find a way to afford what you need.
Note:-Budgeting your money is a portion of what’s needed for a complete money management system. The important aspect to take away is make paying yourself first non-negotiable, the ability to control spending habits and to create assets to then pay for expenses.
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